Our Privacy Commitment to You
Max Die Group is committed to safeguarding your right to privacy. Max Die Group has established this Customer Privacy Code to ensure that your personal information is protected. This Customer and Employee Privacy Code fully complies with the principles found in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (the “Act”).
The principles that guide this policy are attached and explained.
The Max Die Group Information Practices
To ensure that our commitment to your privacy is upheld, we have updated our existing policies and developed this formal Customer Privacy Code setting out the rights of its customers and the obligations of Max Die Group respecting the treatment of personal information.
Employees and Agents
The Max Die Group Customer Privacy Code governs the behaviour of Max Die Group employees and any agents acting on behalf of Max Die Group. All Max Die Group employees who have access to personal information have been trained on the handling of such information. New employees receive training on privacy as a part of their initial company training.
Personal Information
Personal information is information about an identifiable individual. Publicly available information, such as a public directory listing of your name, address, telephone number, electronic address, is not considered to be personal information.
Collecting Customer Information Helps Us Serve You Better
Max Die Group collects personal information from customers only for the following purposes:
- To establish and maintain responsible commercial relations with you and provide you with on going service;
- To understand your needs and eligibility for products and services;
- To recommend particular products and services to meet your needs;
- To develop, enhance, market or produce products and services;
- To meet legal and regulatory requirements.
Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.
Other Parties with Whom Max Die Group May Share Personal Information
While the general policy of Max Die Group is not to provide personal information to any party outside Max Die Group, there are certain limited circumstances, outlined below, in which it is necessary to do so. When Max Die Group does provide personal information to third parties, it provides only that information that is required in the circumstances. Information provided to third parties is used only for the purpose stipulated and is subject to strict terms of confidentiality.
Employees of the companies to whom Max Die Group may provide information must adhere to the privacy standards of Max Die Group.
Third parties include:
- A collection agency, for the expressed purpose of the collection of passed due bills;
- A credit bureau, for the expressed purpose of determining credit worthiness in situations where credit is to be extended;
- Organizations associated with the provision of insuring accounts receivable
- Law enforcement agencies, for emergencies, internal security matters; where required by court order or search warrant.
The Max Die Group Commitment to Privacy
Max Die Group will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safeguarding of personal information, whether it is stored electronically or in paper format. In all cases, information is retained in secure facilities, protected from unauthorized access and kept only as long as is reasonably required.
Questions or Concerns
If you have questions or concerns about your privacy you can contact Max Die Group at the address or phone number below. The Max Die Group customer service representative will assist you in resolving the situation.
Max Die Group Privacy Officer
If you still have unresolved concerns with respect to the treatment of your personal information by Max Die Group, you may address these concerns, in writing, to the Max Die Group Privacy Officer, who has the overall responsibility for the compliance of Max Die Group with this Customer Privacy Code and applicable privacy restrictions. You should write to:
The Office of the Privacy Officer
- Max Die Group
5264 Pulleyblank St.
Oldcastle, Ontario
N0R 1L0 - (519) 737-6537
Further Complaint Procedure
If the Max Die Group Privacy Officer does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you may file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by calling 1-800-282-1376 or writing to:
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- 112 Kent Street
Ottawa Ontario
K1A 13H - privcan@fox.nstn.ca